Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Hopeful Candle Lingers In The Land Of Lullabies (Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia - "Days Between")

The last few weeks, there has been a dramatic increase in dramatic increase in Anti-Semitic attacks.  Several dozen Jewish Community Centers throughout the United States have received bomb threats. This week, the bomb threat scare arrived in my hometown of Rochester, NY, and here in Toronto. Both facilities evacuated and eventually determined the threat was just like all the other bomb threats.  Day Schools in the United States have received bomb threats. Jewish cemeteries from St. Louis, to Philadelphia from Brooklyn to Rochester, NY have been the site of vandalism with numerous gravestones toppled. During one of the many news shows that I watch, one of the political pundits who resides in New York City commented that he saw a police officer standing outside a Jewish Day school. The pundit asked the policeman why his presence was required. Was an important official appearing at the school? The police officer responded, “It’s just another day at school”.  In response to these Anti-Semitic incidents in New York State, Governor Cuomo went to Israel to meet with the Prime Minister,  show support for Israel, and spend time with Israel’s security and law enforcement industries and agencies. Then the governor did something to show his support for the Jewish Community in New York. He spent last Shabbat at the Park Avenue Synagogue, one of the wealthiest Conservative Synagogues in the United States. The Governor’s message was simple. His was a message of tolerance and light, and he wanted everyone, even those who gravitate toward intolerance and darkness, to understand that tolerance and light will remain a constant in his administration. Needless to say, all of our children were incredibly proud that Governor visited Israel and celebrated Shabbat as a demonstration of support for Jews in Israel and Jews in North America.
This Shabbat we read from Parshah Tetzaveh. This Shabbat is also the Shabbat that immediately precedes the celebration of Purim. The day in which the Jewish people celebrate the redemption of Persian Jewry during the second or third century BCE. This Shabbat is known as Shabbat Zachor – Shabbat of Remembrance. Besides the weekly Torah portion, Tetzaveh, three verses (Deut. 25:17-19) are recited. In those verses we are commanded to remember what Amalek did to the Jewish people as they left Egypt. They attacked and murdered the escaped slaves. The villain of the Purim story, Haman, according to Midrash (Rabbinic legend) comes from the tribe of Amalek, the Torah’s symbol of evil. However the weekly Parsha Tetzaveh has nothing to do with Purim, or Amalek. Instead the Parsha focuses upon Aaron, Moshe’s brother, Aaron’s sons, their position as the Kohen Gadol, (High Priest), their “work uniform” and their preparations. Just like last week’s Parshah, Terumah, contained numerous details concerning the construction of the Mishkan; Tetzaveh’s focuses primarily upon the details concerning the Kohen Gadol’s uniform. From material to design, this aspect of the Parshah is a tailor/fashion designer’s dream. Once the details for the uniform have been taught, the Parshah concentrates upon the necessary preparations that the Kohanim must engage in so that they are spiritually pure enough to make offerings on the behalf of the people. Only then, when the construction is complete, when the clothing is finished and the purification process fulfilled, then God will rest God’s presence among the people.
Despite the primary focus upon Priestly vestments, the Parsha begins with the commandment of the Ner Tamid, an Eternal Light. Until now Moshe has been a conduit: VaYiDaber Adoshem El Moshe Leimor, Dabeir El B’nai YisroelGod spoke to Moshe, saying: ‘Speak to the Children of Israel’. Now, regarding the Lamp, Moshe doesn’t speak to the children of Israel or to the Priests; instead Moshe is instructed to command the priests. No long is he just a conduit. Regarding the Lamp, the command emanates from Moshe. Regarding God’s first command of Moshe, the Torah tells us,  V’Atah T’tzaveh et Bnai Yisroel VYikchu Eilecha Shemen Zayit Zach Katit La’Maor L’Ha’Alot Neir TamidNow you shall command the Children of Yisroel that they shall take for you pure, pressed olive oil for illumination to kindle the lamp continually (Ex. 27:20). So why is it so important for the command to appear as if it comes from Moshe and not God? Why is this Moshe’s commandment to the priests? Shmot Rabbah (Talmudic Rabbis’ commentary on the Book of Exodus) offers a figurative understand of the perpetual light that Moshe commands to be lit. See how the words of Torah give light to man when he is occupied with them. But whoever is not so occupied and is ignorant, he stumbles…’The way of the wicked is in thick darkness ’…. (Shmot Rabbah 36:3). Moshe is told to command the Aaron and his sons to light the Ner Tamid in perpetuity. Light and learning, not darkness and ignorance must be perpetual and constant. Light and knowledge must provide a lamp for all those who are in need of light and all those who are ignorant and don’t even realize it. Moshe, ever the teacher, ever the law giver, has been tasked to the lamp, to bring light, knowledge and understanding in perpetuity.
I suppose our children are more sensitive to and are more acutely aware of antisemitism than I was at their age. Maybe I was more oblivious. Maybe society was more polite and such “unpleasantness” was part of the extreme aspects of society that scurried about in the dark shadows where polite people didn’t venture. Nowadays society is far less polite and over the past year, we have watched extreme aspects of society receive a warm embrace by what used to be thought of as “mainstream”. As this week immediately precedes Purim, a celebration that commemorates Persian Jewry’s victory over Anti- Semitism; we are reminded that darkness and ignorance remains present even here and that we need to remain vigilant. Generally, light is symbolic of wisdom and enlightenment. The only way to combat intolerance and ignorance is to shine a light upon it, a strong glaring light of an enlightened, educated, sensitive, and democratic society that possesses a profound respect for its democratic institutions and the strength of will to root out the Amalek, the evil, ignorance, and intolerance that exists in every generation.

Rav Yitz

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