Thursday, April 11, 2019

So Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now, The Hour Is Getting Late (Bob Dylan - "All Along the Watchtower")

Friends of ours who normally go to the Catskills for Passover have suddenly changed their plans. The measles outbreak in Williamsburg section of Brooklyn forced them to change their minds. While many of the Williamsburg residents and Rabbis hold that vaccinations are legal according to Halacha (Jewish Law), there is a small group that has been exposed (no pun intended) to the “alternative facts”, “mis- information”, and questionable data concerning vaccinations. Several New York newspapers raised a fascinating question. This is not a community that has a plethora of access to mass media, or to social media. How did the anti- vaccination campaign over the past few years gain credence in this particular community?  The answer was so obvious that it was profound. People talk, people share ideas, people share information and people share what they hear whether it is true or not. The result is that a disease that was once considered eradicated has returned as a result of people talking, listening and spreading misinformation about vaccinations.
This Shabbat we read from Parsha Metzorah. The discussion and laws for Tamei/ Tahor (Purity & Impurity) as it affects human beings is continued from last week’s Parsha, Tazria. We continue to learn intricate details concerning how an individual becomes ritually purified, his/her reentrance into the camp, and the prominent role of the Kohen Gadol in ascribing a spiritual treatment for a physical expression of a spiritual problem. Besides discussing the laws of the Metzorah, the laws of one who suffers from this skin ailment, the Parsha also confronts the issues of the Metzorah spreading to a house and the method by which that impurity is removed from the house. The second half of the Parsha concentrates on the laws of Taharah Mishpachah, the laws of family purity.
             When Tzaraat is discovered on an individual, he or she would go to the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest, and undergo and examination. However if the Tzaarat spreads beyond the individual and pollutes the home: U’Vah Asher Lo HaBayit V’Higid LaKohen Leimor- “K’Negah NiReH Li BaBayit”And he that owns the house shall come and tell the priest saying: It seems to me there is as it were a plague in the house. (Lev. 14:35) Even if the individual sees the Tzaarat, sees the impurity, knows that it is Tzaarat, the individual cannot and must not say that “It is plague in the house,” but rather K’Negah literally “It is like a plague”. Rashi explains that “even if the individual is knowledgable and has no doubt as to the nature of the plague, only the Kohen Gadol has the authority and expertise to utter a definitive judgment. Any statement from anyone else ought not be considered definitive. Rashi’s comment appears to be focused upon the issue of “Purity and Impurity”, and reminding us that the authority to decide and declare Purity and Impurity rests solely upon the High Priest. Rashi, is also reminding us that even if it "seems like" an impurity it must be treated as such. However the authority  to officially diagnose and treate resides with the Kohen, everyone else must have enought humility to possess self doubt.  The MaHaRaL of Prague (Rabbi Yehuda Loew of Prague 1525-1609) takes the lesson a step further. “Since it is but the priest who establishes the Nega (the plague and its legal implications); anyone else would not be speaking the truth.”
Here in this simple statement “K’Negah” –It seems to be a plague” , we address the health issue. We recognize the potential damage the Lashon HaRah has done, “K’Negah”it seems like a plague; then the Kohen treats the plague and the patient. We quarantine the individual/individuals in order to prevent the spread of something that looks like a plague. Knowing that Pesach is soon approaching, and the Holiday means greater socializing and greater exposure; it looks like more people could be at risk. So the Mayor has taken it upon himself to issue a State of Emergency Order instructing everyone to have proof of vaccination. In the meantime, our friends have made alternative plans at home in Toronto; and we all learn the lesson of the power that words and language can have upon the health and welfare of an entire community.
Rav Yitz

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