Wednesday, March 9, 2022

"Cat On A Tin Roof, Dogs In A Pile, Nothing Left To Do But Smile Smile Smile (Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia - He's Gone)

          As we continue to watch the news out of Ukraine, the increased targeting of Ukrainian civilians, the exponential increase of refugees, our family has been in awe of the stories we hear about strangers helping these refugees. Recently we heard about a young boy who traveled alone from Kyiv to Slovenia. His mother had to remain behind in Kyiv to care for her sick mother. So she sent her son with a backpack, his passport, a cell phone, and a phone number of a family member written on the back of his hand. (New York Post March 7, 2022). Despite being alone and scared, and traveling 600 miles, everyone the boy encountered was greeted by his warm and friendly smile. Upon his arrival at that Ukraine/Slovakian border, the border patrol was also greeted with his warm and kind smile. As a result, the border patrol was all too happy to help him. They found the family members and the boy’s Slovakian family found him and picked him up. Needless to say, his mother was incredibly thankful that her son was now safe. 

          This Shabbat is known as Shabbat Zachor. It is the Shabbat that immediately precedes Purim. On this Shabbat,  we begin the third book of the Torah with the Parsha of the same name:  Vayikra.  B’reishit and Shmot are essentially a series of narratives about a family and ultimately an entire people. However, Sefer VaYikra (Leviticus) is presented in both a narrative format as well as a user manual for ritual sacrifices - KoRBonot. This “user manual” seems to be designed for the Kohanim since it was their job to make the ritual sacrifice on behalf of the B’nai Yisroel. The Parsha begins with the general rules for Korbonot, mainly that the animal in question, needs to be pure, that is to say, blemish-free. The Parsha lists the various categories of Korbonot. The underlying assumption of bringing a KoRBonot (an offering) was B’nai Yisroel’s desire to be near God, to connect with God. Even the word KoRBonot -  with the three-lettered root Ku-f Resh- Bet means “close in proximity”. These offerings were designed to allow the person to draw closer to God for the myriad of reasons that a person would want to be near God including thankfulness, forgiveness, joy/happiness, or doubt in the relationship.

          Even before God tells Moshe about all the commandments concerning KoRBonot, God does something very unique, something that God had never done before and could only do because of his relationship to Moshe Rabeinu. Vayikrah El Moshe, VaYidaber Adoshem Eilav M’Ohel Moed Leimor - He called out to Moshe and Hashem spoke to him from the Tent of the Meeting saying (Lev 1:1). God called, God spoke and God said; three very similar verbs yet slightly different when examined through the lens of “proximity” “intimacy” and “formality”. One calls out to a person when there is a physical distance that needs to be overcome, or when trying to get another person’s attention. Rashi, the great 11th-century French commentator, offers several explanations. First, this “calling” is Lashon Chiba - a language of endearment. God called out to Moshe in a loving manner and only to Moshe. No one else heard this particular call. Once called, Moshe knew to approach. After Moshe draws closer, God speaks to him. “Speaking” to someone assumes a relationship, a partnership, and a dialogue. The partnership might not be a 50/50 split and the dialogue might not be an equally two-sided dialogue, but “speaking” suggests that there is a response. However “telling” someone something suggests a clear delineation of authority. The party “telling” has the authority and the party being “told”  lacks authority. “Telling” suggests neither partnership nor dialogue but rather the dry transmission of data and information.  For the first time and the last time God Vayikra el Moshe - God called out to Moshe. God singled Moshe out for a vital task: to instruct the Kohanim and B’nai Yisroel how to appropriately connect to God. While it was certainly novel that God called, it was equally important that Moshe heard the call. Indeed, Moshe was spiritually sensitive and in tune with his relationship to God that he, and only he, heard the endearing call from God.

          Sometimes we are not able to hear so well. Maybe there is too much noise. Maybe we are so out of sorts that we can’t hear past our own fears, our own anxiety, or our own guilt. Sometimes we ignore God’s loud whisper that is meant only for us. So we will listen to God when we take a walk with our children. Sometimes, we sense God and holiness in the smile of a young boy and meet that smile, that warmth, and holiness with a simple act of kindness. Amid all of this we know that God is present, we need to only listen closely,  to the whisper, or experience a smile in order to connect.

Rav Yitz

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